Our Black Friday sale ends in

10% off on orders over £30 on Spring Puzzles - Discount code - HPUKSP25- T&C's

Puzzle Piece Counts

401 puzzles Showing 48 of 401


401 puzzles Showing 48 of 401

per page


Most of our jigsaw puzzles are available in multiple piece counts so you can choose your challenge based on the number of pieces you prefer. Whether you like small puzzles that give your brain a boost, our 40-80 jigsaw puzzles in our Mini Mindful Collection will be perfect for you. Our 250 piece puzzles are our most popular jigsaw puzzles for adults. If you conquer these and are ready to take your puzzling to the next level you could try a challenging jigsaw puzzle from our Extra Difficult Puzzles or increase the puzzle size to 500 pieces as more pieces means more challenge! For the real puzzle pros our 1000 - 1500 piece jigsaw puzzles will be the only cure to the puzzling craving and the only thing to satisfying puzzle hungry hands.